Saturday, March 26, 2022
Location: Inner Peaks South End- 2220 South Tryon Street, Charlotte, NC 28203
Format: Modified Redpoint
Cost: $50
Registration is limited to 25 per category
**Rope Inspection/Drop off: 3/25 OR DAY OF. Every lead competitor must LABEL and drop off their ropes by 6pm at Inner Peaks South End for inspection. Lead climbers must provide their own rope (minimum of 30mm with a diameter of 9.5-10.1mm)
Session 1: Male A, Female JR, Male B, Male C, Female D
- Check in: 7am
- Rules Meeting: 7:45am
- Climbing: 8am-12pm EST
Session 2: Male JR, Female A, Female B, Female C, Male D
- Check in: 1pm
- Rules Meeting: 1:45pm
- Climbing: 2pm-6pm EST
*Registration live 2/20 @ 6pm
- Registration opens 2/20 at 6pm EST and closes 3/25 at 6pm EST
- Every competitor must have an updated waiver on file with Inner Peaks. Please update it here.
- Competitors may NOT enter the facility while setting takes place: 3/22-3/25
- Only competitors with an active Competitor Membership at the time of the competition will earn ranking points for Regional Championship eligibility.
- Masks will be required of all attendees for the duration of the event; competitors, parents, volunteers.
- Return to Sport & COVID Countermeasures
- Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies