Inner Peaks Matthews Expansion Update



Matthews Phase 2 is OPEN!!

Our Matthews Phase 2 project is officially finished! Phase 2 yields a 55′ extensive lead cave, instructional rappel platform, and a regulate speed wall.

Inner Peaks Matthews Phase 2 officially opened on Tuesday, August 1st.

There will be no auto belays on the new Phase 2 walls.

The minimum rope length requirement for the new walls is 40 meters.

The speed wall is not yet open to the public as we finish up some final touches.




Get ready for Inner Peaks Matthews 2.0! Work on the 55′ addition has begun!

The addition includes extensive lead climbing, an instructional rappel station, and a regulation 15-meter speed climbing wall. The total climbing surface at Matthews will be more than double the existing gym.

Wall builder Walltopia has given us a very tentative finish date of July 31, 2023. 

During construction, we will attempt to minimize disruptions to our normal operations. Follow social media, gym notices, and this post for updates. ⁠