With the continuing spread of the COVID-19 Coronavirus in the Charlotte area, it is important to us to keep our community healthy and safe. We have been actively monitoring updates, and following the guidance of the CDC, state, and county to properly respond to the evolving situation, but we need your help.
What are we doing?
We are getting hand washing stations at both gym entrances.
We ask that every visitor wash their hands before entering the gym. We strongly encourage you to wash again before you leave. We have placed signs in the bathrooms reminding everyone to wash their hands. Every expert says good hygiene is one of the best thing’s individuals can do to protect themselves and others.
We have installed new hand sanitizing stations.
They will be located near the front doors at both gyms.
We have increased our cleaning efforts at the gym.
The front counter staff is more frequently cleaning surfaces with disinfectants.
We are requiring all program participants to wash their hands.
Youth team and party participants will be required to wash their hands as soon as they enter the gym and before they leave.
We are postponing all large events.
We were so stoked for our April screening of Pretty Strong and fundraiser for the CCC, but due to the circumstances we have decided to postpone Pretty Strong and all future events until the circumstances change.
What can you do?
Wash your hands.
Wash your hands thoroughly and often, before and after your climbing session. Avoid touching your face and mouth, and cover and cough or sneeze with a tissue or your sleeve.
Stay home if you are sick.
Remember the 24 hour rule. You must be fever and vomit free for at least 24 hours after being sick before returning to climb.
Consider climbing at off hours.
This will reduce the number of people you come in contact with. We know for many of you this is not possible, but we recently expanded hours at the South End gym and both gyms are generally much slower during the weekday mornings.
Wipe down workout equipment
Please wipe down all workout equipment before and after use.
Will you stay open if schools close?
Will team be cancelled?
Will yoga be cancelled?
Will parties need to be rescheduled?
Unfortunately, we cannot answer all of these questions at this time, but we are carefully monitoring the situation and will stay up do date on recommendations and will make decisions based on the best interest of our community. At this time, programming will continue as scheduled.
We have reinforced these policies with our staff and we strongly encourage the rest of the community to take the same precautions. We will continue to monitor the situation and post updates via email and social media as necessary.
From all of us at Inner Peaks, thanks for taking the time to read this notice, and for doing your part to protect the most vulnerable in our community from the spread of COVID19.